5 In Mains/ Recipes

Sweet & Sour Pulled Jackfruit Pie

Sweet & Sour Pulled Jackfruit Pie | Eat Yourself Green

It’s been a long time since I last posted a new recipe here…I’ve been mainly focusing on other parts of the sustainable world but today, I’m back with a recipe that I was excited to try for a long time: pulled jackfruit pie!

I’ve bought pulled jackfruit ready to eat before but I never tried making it myself. So yesterday, while we were at the farmer markets, we spotted this beautiful jackfruit and thought that it was a good opportunity to give it a go.

Jackfruit is a great fruit to use in savoury dishes as it has a very subtle and mild sweet flavour. It contains great amounts of fibre so it helps reduce blood sugar spikes. It also is a good source of protein (approximately 3 grams per cup) compared to other fruits.

Sweet & Sour Pulled Jackfruit Pie | Eat Yourself Green

Sweet & Sour Pulled Jackfruit Pie

Making pulled jackfruit was easier than I expected but I would love to try different sauces and cooking methods. What I made this weekend was a sweet and sour pie with a hint of paprika which turned out really good and with a great balance between the sweet, sour and a little spicy.

Sweet & Sour Pulled Jackfruit Pie | Eat Yourself Green

This time I was feeling lazy and we were late for lunch so I just used some leftover pastry I had in the freezer. But I would love (and highly recommend) to make my own.

As we bought the whole fruit, we cut it open, deseeded and cooked in one go but I save a little extra for other recipes to try this week.

For this pie I only used the jackfruit for the filling. You can add other vegetables to add extra flavour and texture.

So with no further ado, here’s my recipe for Sweet & Sour Pulled Jackfruit Pie!

Sweet & Sour Pulled Jackfruit Pie | Eat Yourself Green

5 from 1 reviews
Sweet & Sour Pulled Jackfruit Pie
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Sweet and sour pulled jackfruit pie made simple ingredients.
Cuisine: Vegan
Serves: 4
  • 2 cups jackfruit
  • 1 onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tbsp dijon mustard
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • ½ tsp thyme
  • ½ tsp rosemary
  • Coriander seeds, cumin powder (to taste)
  • Paprika (to taste)
  • Salt & pepper
  • Olive oil
  • 1 sheet of shortcrust pastry
  • Mozzarella (or vegan cheese)
  1. Cut open, remove fruit pulp, deseed and set aside OR remove water if you buy canned jackfruit.
  2. Chop onion and garlic and sauté in a large pan with olive oil.
  3. When onion is translucent, add the jackfruit.
  4. Braise the jackfruit until golden brown.
  5. Now add all the seasoning.
  6. Also add the dijon mustard and balsamic vinegar and cover the jackfruit.
  7. Let it cook for about 15 minutes or until tender.
  8. Once it's cooked, remove from heat and place jackfruit in a plate to shred.
  9. Now, preheat the oven at 180ºC.
  10. Line a round tray with a sheet of shortcrust pastry.
  11. Place it in the oven to cook for about 15 minutes.
  12. Remove from the oven and transfer the jackfruit filling into the tray.
  13. Top with vegan cheese or mozzarella and oregano.
  14. Cook until golden (about 10 minutes).
  15. Remove from the oven and serve.
  16. Enjoy!


Sweet & Sour Pulled Jackfruit Pie | Eat Yourself Green

Pin it for later!

Peace and love,

Larissa x

Follow Eat Yourself Green on Instagram & Facebook.

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  • Reply
    04/04/2019 at 10:05 pm

    This sounds delicious! Jackfruit isn’t one I’m familiar with, but I checked and it seems one of my local supermarkets does stock a canned version. Maybe I’ll give it a go at some point!
    Do you know how well this pie keeps, Larissa?
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Reply
      Larissa Tedesco
      11/04/2019 at 9:23 am

      Hi Kevin,
      Using the canned version is a good option. I kept my pie in the fridge for under a week pretty well. You should be able to freeze it but I haven’t tried this time 🙂
      Let me know if you try it with canned type.
      Larissa x

      • Reply
        11/04/2019 at 7:32 pm

        Great, thanks for the advice! I’ll let you know when I get a chance to give it a go 🙂

  • Reply
    12/04/2019 at 1:13 pm

    Great post – I had never even heard of jackfruit until the dorm I live in served it one day… And I thought it was quite good! I am on a journey towards living zero/low waste, so I always love to find recipes that don’t call for any meat. Thanks for sharing!
    -Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? The Chic Cupcake

    • Reply
      Larissa Tedesco
      14/04/2019 at 4:24 pm

      Ah that’s amazing to hear Jenna! I hope you give this a go. It’s so simple and super filling.
      Hope you are doing well in your journey! Let me know if I can help with anything 🙂
      Larissa x

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