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Coconut Whip Chocolate Mousse (Vegan & GF)

Coconut Whip Chocolate Mousse

I’ve been a bit off these days…I’m sorry.

Truth is, it’s been real busy over here. And in case you’ve missed it…we are moving. Houses for now. But soon-ish we’ll be leaving the country. YES! We are going on our Round The World trip and we can’t hide our excitement!!!

So, right now, we are in the process of selling everything we have and I’ll already going nuts! It will be a difficult process but I’m sure it will be worth it. When we move out mid next month, we’ll be taking mainly our clothing and our basic things, like toiletries and computer/camera. Everything else will be packed and kept in boxes or sold. And I’m still trying to figure out how I’ll keep sharing my recipes without pretty pics to add to it! Well, I’m glad that this is my main concern at the moment. It could be a lot worse…so, this is the heads up to the fact that things will be changing very soon.

But I hope you enjoy changes. Because this blog will become a lot more diverse when we head out of Australia and start travelling around tasting food from all over! Oh dear…I really cannot wait for that!

Also, my partner and I will be sharing all our adventures in our new blog, Nomaddictives which will be live sometime next month. I hope you guys can follow us around and enjoy our tasty adventures!

Big news aside, I’ve been dying to share a super sweet (quite literally) recipe. It came to me while I was making Jean’s birthday cake last month and I realised I had a pretty good opportunity to turn cake filling into chocolate mousse! Who would have thought?!

choc mousse

Since I’ve found out I have lactose intolerance, I really wanted to find other ways of making my favourite dessert. And honestly, this one is getting close…really close.

I’ve made it twice already and it’s been a success both times, so I guess this is a good sign, right?
Creamy, dreamy and sweet, this recipe is great to make quite an impression when you’re serving it to your guests. Add a few toppings in little jars or containers and let them help themselves in their choice of add-ons. I loved using berries and passion fruit, together with nuts and pumpkin seeds or buckinis. And voilà! You have an award winning dessert.

This recipe is best enjoyed with friends and lots of laughter. And maybe some wine too.Coconut Whip

5 from 1 reviews
Coconut Whip Chocolate Mousse (Vegan & GF)
Prep time
Total time
Quick recipe only requiring 3 ingredients. Rich, sweet & delicious. Also vegan & Gluten Free
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Vegan
Serves: 4
  • 2 cans of organic Coconut Cream (chilled overnight)
  • 100g of vegan Dark Chocolate bar
  • 3 tbsp of Rice Malt Syrup
  1. Chill the 2 cans of coconut cream overnight or for at least 8 hours in the fridge.
  2. Using the chilled cans, remove the top half of the coconut cream (just the thick part) and add in a large bowl.
  3. Start whipping the cream with a mixer until it form peaks (about 2-3 minutes depending on the potency of your mixer)
  4. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate in bain-marie or in the microwave (always be careful not to burn the chocolate).
  5. Now, add the rice malt syrup and keep whipping the coconut cream.
  6. Then, add the melted chocolate and slowly incorporate the mixture together.
  7. Once the mix is homogeneous, put it in small cups/bowls/tea cups and chill for a couple of hours before serving.
  8. Serve with your choice of nuts, berries and seeds.

Enjoy it!

Peace and love,

Larissa x

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