4 In Dessert/ Recipes

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Easter Eggs

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Easter Eggs | Eat Yourself Green

Is it April already? What happened with 2019? How come we are already into the 2nd quarter of the year? I’ll never understand!

What I can get behind though, is the fact that Easter is just (literally) around the corner and we will be eating choccies this time next weekend. Woot woot!

However much I love chocolate, I really can’t deal with milk chocolate anymore and all the processed stuff you get at the shops now gives me a tummy ache. Healthy living has its downfalls peeps!

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Easter Eggs | Eat Yourself Green
Peanut Butter & Chocolate Easter Eggs | Eat Yourself Green

So to avoid milky treats and waste too, I decided to make my own little Easter-y treats. And for the first time ever I’m making an Easter inspired recipe (oops). I hope you guys like peanut butter then because these babies are packed with peanut butter goodness. HOT TIP: you can sub the peanut butter for other nut butter but you might have to be mindful if the nut butter is not as runny.

So enough with the chit chat and let’s get started with these beauties! You don’t want to make Easter without them.

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Easter Eggs

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Easter Eggs | Eat Yourself Green

First of all, I love this recipe as it combines both of the best things in the world: Chocolate + Peanut Butter. But also, it has a nice balance between sweet and nutty without being too sweet ~or~ nutty.

Plus, I could whip up this in less than half an hour (with freezing time included) and with only 5 ingredients! You heard me right!

Only problem is the chocolate melts so you might want to get in quick (have a feeling this won’t be a problem though).

So let’s get it started?

5 from 1 reviews
Peanut Butter & Chocolate Easter Eggs
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
This Easter try this homemade treat that you can whip up in 30 minutes and with only 5 ingredients. Try my Peanut Butter & Chocolate Easter Eggs now!
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Vegan
Serves: 12
  • ½ cup peanut butter
  • ¾ cup coconut flour
  • ¼ cup rice malt syrup
  • ¼ tsp vanilla extract
  • 100 gr dark chocolate
  1. In a bowl, add all ingredients but the dark chocolate.
  2. Mix well with a fork (or with your hands) until your get a solid and 'pliable' dough.
  3. Make little balls and shape them into 'eggs' and place in a plate.
  4. Place it in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, melt the dark chocolate in bain-marie. Careful not to burn the chocolate.
  6. Remove it from the heat and set up a cooling rack or simply a baking paper sheet.
  7. Get the peanut butter bites from the freezer and using a fork to hold them, pour the chocolate over.
  8. Once it's covered completely, let it sit in the cooling rack or baking sheet.
  9. Place it in the fridge to cool.
  10. Once completely cool, you can store them in a container. Or eat it straight away.
  11. Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy making this one as much as I did and if you do, please tag me on Instagram using the #eatyourselfgreen hashtag!

Happy Easter peeps!

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Easter Eggs | Eat Yourself Green

Pin me for later!

Peace and love,

Larissa x

Follow Eat Yourself Green on Instagram & Facebook.

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  • Reply
    18/04/2019 at 8:21 pm

    I have to agree about it already being April Larissa! The year is going too quickly, but I am looking forward to the long Easter weekend.

    Firstly, can I say that I love the photos in this recipe! They’re really lovely, so well done on your camera work.

    I can’t seem to get myself to like peanut butter, so I might give this a go with cashew nut butter instead. That’s quite nice and runny.

    Also, could you sub out the coconut flour for rye flour? Or does the coconut help give a specific taste? I ask because I won a bag of rye flour in a raffle and have no clue how to use it up haha.

    • Reply
      Larissa Tedesco
      20/04/2019 at 6:35 pm

      Hi Kevin,

      Thanks for your kind words! It’s been a long time practicing with this camera but I’m slowly getting the hang of it 😉
      So, great idea to swap the peanut for another nut butter. As for the coconut flour, if you don’t have or like, I recommend using almond meal instead as it can be eaten raw…rye flour would be best used in a bread, fritters or muffins maybe? But make sure to cook/bake it before eating 😉

      Hope this helps! 😀

      • Reply
        02/05/2019 at 12:47 am

        I tried making these with cashewnut butter and stuck with the coconut flour like you originally suggest and they tasted great! I’m very tempted to make them at any time of year because they were eaten very quickly.
        Thanks again for the recipe Larissa!

        • Reply
          Larissa Tedesco
          03/05/2019 at 10:26 am

          Yay! So nice to hear that 🙂 I really love how simple this recipe is and yes, perfect for all year round!

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