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Homemade Nutella (Vegan & Healthy-ish)

Homemade Nutella

It’s been a long time since the day I’ve heard my boyfriend cry for Nutella…but as the good girlfriend that I am, I refused to buy the sugar filled plastic jar. To my bf’s disappointment, it took me quite a while to come up with a recipe for it.

But wait no longer…I finally made a homemade Nutella and I’m SO UPSET I haven’t made it earlier! It’s just so much better than the store bought version and taste kinda healthy too…okay, maybe not. But in truth, this homemade Nutella is simply so much healthier than the regular stuff.

Homemade Nutella Homemade Nutella

No additives, dairy, tons of sugar or palm oil…just delicious organic hazelnuts, organic dark chocolate, vanilla extract, coconut oil and a pinch of salt. That’s it. Unlike the original version, this wholesome version has only a little bit of sugar, which comes from the dark chocolate. I also used hazelnuts as the base of the recipe, which is not necessarily true when it comes to the real Nutella.

If you look at the ingredients list on Nutella, hazelnuts come up as the 3rd ingredient in the recipe, which means there’s a lot more sugar and palm oil than hazelnuts in that sneaky jar.

Homemade Nutella

Truth be told, we all know that Nutella is simply a confectionary item which definitely shouldn’t be on our tables or pantries…

So instead of banning the much loved treat from your breakfast, make this healthy-er, wholesome version.

Homemade Nutella

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Homemade Nutella (Vegan & Healthy-ish)
Prep time
Total time
Quick, easy and wholesome vegan recipe for the much loved Nutella.
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Vegan
  • 1 cup of hazelnuts
  • 100 gr of dark chocolate
  • 2 tsp of coconut oil (melted)
  • ¼ tsp of vanilla extract
  • 1pinch of salt
  1. Turn your oven on at 200ºC and place your hazelnuts on a tray, spread evenly so they don't overlap.
  2. Roast for 10-15 minutes or until golden.
  3. Meanwhile, melt your dark chocolate in bain-marie or the microwave (careful not to burn it).
  4. Once out of the oven and slightly cool, place in between a kitchen cloth and rub it well to remove the peel.
  5. Once most of the peel is out, place nuts in a food processor and start blitzing for about 5-10 minutes until it becomes a butter. Scrape the sides every now and then to help create the paste.
  6. Add the coconut oil, vanilla extract, dark chocolate and pinch of salt.
  7. Blitz once again to incorporate all the ingredients.
  8. Once homogeneous, remove from food processor and store in a tightly sealed jar.
  9. Enjoy!

Try making this delicious alternative and use them on your toast, nice cream, desserts and whatever else your little heart deserves.

Homemade Nutella

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Peace & Love,

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