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3-in-1 Chocolate & Coffee Cake Batter (Muffin, Cake & Petit Gâteau)

Muffin, Cake & Petit Gateau

Guys, I was really excited to share my Stuffed Mushrooms with Couscous…but today, I was quite inspired to make muffins as I (finally) got a muffin pan. And this recipe came to life…in a better way than expected.

I’ve made this cake batter a while ago for my partner’s birthday and they were such a hit! I totally forgot about it after a while, but I wanted to make this again and this weekend seemed like the perfect opportunity for it.

Petit Gateau 6

With my brand new pan in hand, recipe done and oven on hold, I realised I had way more batter than expected and as I’m still very much on the ‘bare’ side of kitchen tools (for a food blogger) I had to think quick and used my two ramekins for an experiment…and in the went!

Oh the bliss of being a minimalist and getting it just right!

Muffin, Cake & Petit Gateau

Seriously, the best feeling when I got those muffins out of the oven just right in under 30 minutes and those two little ramekins filled with gooey insides and burnt crust…oh yeah!

It wasn’t necessarily dessert time but we enjoyed our ‘forced’ treat in the early evening very much. Highly saving that simple recipe for the next time we want to indulge ourselves with a decadent vegan cake. Oh yeah, did I mention these little puffs of goodness are vegan? And made with the simplest ingredients ever.

Indeed, this recipe was inspired by the 3-hole cake and I back the original recipe 1000%. Super simple, delicious and easy as!

But I obviously wanted to give it a healthy twist, so this recipe was created.

Also, on a side note: To create the 3 versions of this recipe you don’t have to change anything in the recipe. Only change your container and the time they’ll bake. It can’t get any better than that!

Petit Gateau 2 Petit Gateau 3

So let’s get started:

3-in-1 Chocolate & Coffee Cake Batter (Muffin, Cake & Petit Gâteau)

5 from 1 reviews
3-in-1 Chocolate & Coffee Cake Batter (Muffin, Cake & Petit Gâteau)
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Create 3 different desserts with only 1 recipe! Simple, delicious and vegan.
  • 2 cups of white flour
  • 1 cup of wholemeal flour (can use just white if preferred)
  • 2 cups of coconut or brown sugar
  • ½ cup of cocoa powder
  • 2 tsp baking soda (bi-card soda)
  • ¼ cup coconut oil (melted)
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp white vinegar
  • ½ cup of coffee
  • 1½ cups of cold water
  1. Preheat oven on 180ºC.
  2. In a large bowl, sift all dry ingredients and mix well.
  3. Create 3 holes and in each add the vanilla, coconut oil and vinegar.
  4. Then add the coffee and water and mix well.
For the cake:
  1. Transfer to a round pan and bake for 30-40 minutes.
For the muffins:
  1. Fill the muffin pan (will yield 1 and a half) and bake for 20-30 minutes.
For the Petit Gateau:
  1. Place in ramekins and cook for 15 minutes.


Peace & Love,

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