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My Favourite Eats in South East Asia

My time here in South East Asia is almost finished! Which is real sad but also cool, as I’m heading towards Israel before landing the European lands! So excited to see and eat lots of different new things…I can’t actually express how eager I am to try other foods and flavours!

You know, Asia is amazing and it’s full of beauty, wonder and exotic flavours but after 4 months I kinda feel like I need a bit of a familiar taste…and no more Fried Rice, please.

However, there are some foods that you can probably just find in Asia and some of them are going to be missed. Real hard.

I’d like to show you my absolute favourites here in SE Asia and highly recommend you try them all when you come around!

My Favourite (Vegan) Eats in South East Asia

  1. Coconut Ice Cream
    This completely dairy-free ice cream was probably the first thing I’ve tried in Thailand that made me wish I could live in a tropical island forever! The whole thing is made out of coconuts (even the container!) and you can top it with many sweet, sweet things. But my favourite is peanuts! Crunchy, creamy, just enough sweetness and a whole lot of that ice-cream goodness! Coconut Ice-Cream
  2. ‘Snack Beans’
    I honestly don’t even know if this is the right name but as I can’t read Burmese, that’s what I’m calling it! I first found this beans on a road-side restaurant on our way to Bangkok (never seen them before) and then I found out they are everywhere in Myanmar! Lucky me, because these salty & crunchy beans were my favourite snack food while we were making our way around the bad roads of Myanmar.
    Snack Beans
  3. Chestnuts
    I know, I know…they are not exclusive to South East Asia. But chestnuts were my true love while we wondered around the foggy streets of Sapa, Northern Vietnam. My partner and I probably ate at least half a kilo per day. Oops!
  4. Mink Kuam
    This little pouch of deliciousness caught me totally off guard. A simple snack typical in Thai families is packed with small bits of flavour, like lime, peanuts, chilli and ginger. It may sound strange, but it’s probably the best thing I’ve tasted in this whole trip! Thank goodness I even have the recipe for it (you can thank me later…).
    Miang Kham | Eat Yourself Green
  5.  Amok
    When in Cambodia, this was one of our go-to dishes. A curry-like dish made with coconut milk and made vegan adding mushrooms instead of fish and served on a banana leaf  pouch. A delicious and typical dish packed with flavour and spices.

Have you been to South East Asia? Have you eaten something that blew your mind? What was it? Would love to hear your favourites!

Peace & Love,


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