0 In Lifestyle/ Zero Waste

Zero Waste Toilet: What is a Bidet?

So this week I’ve received a very special delivery. One that you wouldn’t expect on your mail. The guys over at Budget Bidets sent me a ~bidet~ to try…and I couldn’t be more excited!

If you have been following me over at Instagram you’ve seen that I spoke a little about it and I got a lot of you asking to tell you more! So here’s what we are doing today: talking about your toilet habits (puns included intentionally).

I know it sounds weird, gross or both, but reality is: we all poo. And we need to clean up after ourselves, otherwise that would be really gross.

Alright, so let’s get to the bottom of this…

What is a Bidet?

A bidet is a handheld hose (?) with a small ‘shower’ head (??) that is used all over the world to clean your ass, I mean bum. Right, if that’s not clear enough, here’s a pic:

ta-daaaa! a brand new shiny bidget

In reality, I used to use a bidet when I lived in Brazil. It’s a common tool to keep yourself clean and it was totally great to feeling fresh even after #2. Believe me, Brazilians are one of the cleanest people in the world (go ahead, you can Google that).

When I moved to Australia, I realised that there was no such a thing as a bidet around here…gasp! But when I went traveling around Asia I saw the trustworthy bidet next to every toilet. Faith in humanity restored!

So it was a nice surprise to finally be able to install a bidet in my own rented unit and enjoy the joys of a clean bum without the shower bit (ain’t nobody got time for that).

Right. So now you may be asking yourself ‘why on Earth would you clean you ass with water instead of toilet paper???’

I mean, really? Okay, so here are a few (and totally great) reasons:

Why choosing a bidet?

  1. When you get poo in any other part of your body: A) do you wipe? B) OR do you wash it? ‘Nough said.
  2. Toilet paper = resources. On average, toilet paper takes about 957,709 litres of water plus about 15 MILLION trees per year (just in the US) not to mention all the chemical process and additional resources. So yeah, using water uses a LOT less resources, which means it’s totally eco-friendly.
  3. You will either reduce or even stop using toilet paper altogether! I’d say more money in ya pocket!
  4. No more painful or endless wiping…great for those who suffer with haemorrhoids or other conditions
  5. Great to help you with cleaning the toilet bowl too! (sorry the cleaning freak in me, cant’ help it!)
  6. If you want to swap to family cloth, having a bidet is pretty essential and totally awesome! PS: I wouldn’t suggest swapping to family cloth without a bidet for obvious reasons…but I can talk more about that in another post).
  7. Installation is simple and takes less than 10 minutes for someone clumsy as I am (plus you get all you need in your little box when you order with Budget Bidets)

So now you may be asking yourself ‘how do you do it?’ Well, I’m here to help too.

Actually, I’ll leave that to you. Truth is, it only takes a couple of times to get the hang of it and in no time you’ll be doing it in less than 5 seconds.

Truly. It’s easier done than said and I not gonna go around telling you how you clean your bum, right? 😉

So all in all, I can’t wait for bidets to be all over the world very soon! And if you are a fellow zero-waster, cleaning freak, activist, environmentalist, or whatever it’s time you get your own bidet and jump on this bum-wagon (sorry, couldn’t resist)!

Peace & Love,


Follow Eat Yourself Green on InstagramTwitter & Facebook.

*Thanks to Budget Bidets. All opinions are solely my own.

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