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Sample letters to contact Supermarkets, Companies and MPs – Plastic Pollution

Thank you for taking the time to write to the companies you shop with and to your local representatives. We can only bring change in numbers, so please share far and wide and send as many letters/emails as possible.

Follow the instructions below (but feel free to add your personal touch) and if you have any comments and suggestions, share them in the comments. Feel free to share this on social media and to your friends so we can all reach out to the companies that are producing all this plastic waste but not looking for more sustainable solutions. 

How to use these letters

To use these letters, simply copy and paste directly on a new email OR using the contact forms below (for supermarkets). Make sure to change all the details in [brackets] and update with the relevant information.

If you can, please take the time to email as many companies possible but mostly those who you shop most with and would like to see changes their packaging and products.


Please Reduce The Use of Plastic in Packaging

Dear [Company],

I am writing as a concerned customer after learning the saddening news that the REDCycle program has been paused, during the National Recycling Week, no less. It is especially concerning that we as a society rely so heavily on a private initiative with very little support from large corporations such as [Company].

Plastic pollution is a pressing environmental issue in Australia. As someone who actively works to reduce my plastic consumption and waste, I am shocked by the lack of further commitments in reducing plastic packaging and offering better, more sustainable alternatives and initiatives now available to us.

We live in a world where one garbage truck of plastic goes into the ocean every minute. If not recycled it will end up in the landfill for thousands of years or find its way into our oceans and wildlife and break down into hazardous microplastics. Will you commit to championing initiatives that ensure we have a safer and cleaner future?

A few suggestions would be to expand the bulk offering in-store, reduce unnecessary plastic packaging in the produce section, accept reusable containers/bags in the bakery and meat/deli sections and fund and support recycling programs such as REDcycle.

I request this letter be forwarded to those with the power to make changes within the organisation, and I look forward to seeing your timely actions to reduce reliance on single-use plastics.

I await your response. Thank you.


Contact page:
Woolworths: https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/page/help-and-support-faq?faq_id=40
Coles: https://www.coles.com.au/customer-care/feedback-form
Aldi: https://help.aldi.com.au/s/general-feedback


Reduce and Remove The Use of Plastic in Packaging

Dear [company],

I absolutely love your [product] and have been a customer for many years. I really appreciate your commitment to reduce your plastic pollution by working with REDcycle.

I’m saddened by the news that the REDcycle program has been paused. Our dependence on single-use items is driving many of our environmental problems. The truth is that the industries responsible for bringing plastic into our waste stream and making it a consumer responsibility are the ones that need to buy it back and offer better solutions. The commercial reality is that the only way we will overcome the lack of processing capacity in Australia is for the producer (such as this company) that utilise the material to require it back or change its packaging solutions.

I would love to continue supporting you. Might I suggest that [company] starts funding recycling facilities or perhaps find a compostable or readily recyclable packaging? Will you commit to championing initiatives that ensure we have a safer and cleaner future?

I really appreciate your consideration on this issue and hope to hear back from you.


REDcycle partners list:



Please Tackle Plastic Pollution

Dear Hon. [representative name],

Hello, my name is [name] and I’m a resident of [city/state].

I am emailing you today to urge you to create a robust plan to reduce plastic pollution and to fund programs such as REDcycle which sadly have been overwhelmed with the intake of plastics coming from concerned consumers.

As plastic pollution becomes more pervasive in our environment and our lives we as a society need to find better solutions. As our representatives, governments should be spearheading the change and working with industries to find and fast track these long-term solutions.

Studies are grim: plastic has been found in human blood, placentas and in our babies.

We need to make swift changes for the future generations.

We call for a comprehensive plastic pollution ban and more funding to initiatives such as REDcycle and other effective recycling facilities, programs for more education, incentives to reduce consumption and tax for heavy plastic polluters.

Thanks so much for taking the time to listen to my concerns. We need to continue to strive for a world that will last for generations to come. Our economic development and community prosperity is dependent on how our planet can continue to support human life. I look forward to hearing about what positive changes we can see in our sustainability policy moving forward.

Yours faithfully,
[Full name]
[Contact information]


Tanya Plibersek (Minister for the Environment and Water, and the Federal Member for Sydney)

Contact: https://www.tanyaplibersek.com/contact/

Lily D’Ambrosio MP (Minister for EnergyMinister for Environment and Climate ActionMinister for Solar Homes)

Email: lily.dambrosio@parliament.vic.gov.au

Meaghan Scanlon MP (Minister for the Environment and the Great Barrier Reef and Minister for Science and Youth Affairs)

Contact: environment@ministerial.qld.gov.au

James Griffin MP (Minister for Environment)

Email: manly@parliament.nsw.gov.au

Reece Whitby (Minister for Environment; Climate Action)

Email: Baldivis@mp.wa.gov.au

Susan Close (Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Minister for Defence and Space Industries, Minister for Climate, Environment and Water)

Email: premier@sa.gov.au

Roger Jaensch (Minister for Education, Children and Youth, Minister for Environment and Climate Change, Minister for Parks, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs)

Email: minister.jaensch@dpac.tas.gov.au

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