2 In Lifestyle/ Minimalism/ Zero Waste

My Minimalist Skincare Routine

My Minimalist Skincare Routine | Eat Yourself Green

I’ve just read recently how the skincare industry is the new booming market making billions a year. I mean, I always knew that the skincare industry was very profitable but in recent years with the popularity of so many beauty influencers and new skin routines, the industry exploded.

In virtue of this boom of highly complicated skincare rituals, I decided to share my routine, which is nothing short of minimalistic. But I’m also sharing this because I want people to know that you can have beautiful skin without wearing 10 types of products per day. Not only is the skin our largest organ, it absorbs everything that we apply to it and carries it onto our blood stream. All the chemicals we apply to our skin are also washed down the sink and end up in our waterways, so opting for organic and natural products will reduce that impact too. Making gentler choices in our skincare is better for us, our pockets and our planet.

My Minimalist Skincare Routine | Eat Yourself Green

So here’s what I do to care for my skin:

My Minimalist Skincare Routine


  • In the morning I usually wake up and half sleep I wash my face. That’s all.
  • If my skin feels dry, I apply a vitamin C serum which I was gifted by Samantha Sona and I love it because it’s vegan, palm oil free and with only natural ingredients, it even comes in a glass bottle.
  • Afterwards I just apply light make up from Elate which I purchased because of their sustainable packaging and natural ingredients.
  • At night when I come home, I shower and use my regular bar soap to cleanse my face.
  • After shower I apply some rosehip oil (this one’s from Isla & Olive which is great for fighting fine lines and scars. Since I often cut myself in the kitchen or just coz I’m ~a little clumsy~ this oil is great for helping heal scars.

My Minimalist Skincare Routine | Eat Yourself Green

Once a week:

  • During shower once a week I exfoliate my skin with a sugar or coffee scrub, the follow up with the same routine.

Once a month:

  • Every now and then, usually once a month, I make a clay mask (either with a pink or bentonite clay) and apply to my face for about 15 minutes, following with an exfoliation and my regular routine.

It may seem like a lot (does it though) but in total I only use 4 products which all help maintain my skin clear, hydrated and healthy.

Look, I’m not against you doing what’s best for your skin, what I rather do is to keep things simple and always look for medical advice if you have a serious skin issue.

All of these products can be DIY’d and you can find several recipes online. So far, I’m happy with the products I found and even happier that they are natural, organic, vegan and plastic free.

What’s your skin routine? Do you have one? Do you do your own beauty products? Share them in the comments, I’d love to hear from you!

My Minimalist Skincare Routine | Eat Yourself Green

Pin me for later!

Peace and love,

Larissa x

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  • Reply
    24/05/2019 at 10:56 pm

    I don’t really have a skincare routine (I wash my face with water and maybe some bar soap if I’m grubby), but I had hoped this post would give me an idea for my Mum’s birthday which is coming up. I’ve heard (albeit briefly) that rosehip oil is good for the skin and ageing, and your post confirms it so I think I’ll look into some reship oil as a gift!
    Thanks for the inspiration Larissa.

    • Reply
      Larissa Tedesco
      27/05/2019 at 2:26 pm

      True! Rosehip is a great gift. I’m sure your mom would love it (and leave her skin glowing too) 😉

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