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How to Make Your Own Make-Up with Ingredients from Your Kitchen

DIY Make-Up | Eat Yourself Green

It’s been a long time since I’ve been wanting to make my own make-up. And after lots of research, reading and pinning lots of recipes to eventually try it on when my old (ahem 4 years old) make-up went off…well, it’s not even half down and I realised it could probably last another 5 years till it finished. However, we all know that make-up does have an expiry date PLUS the one I own is from my pre-conscious-consumer times and they are definitely not good for me, the environment or the animals (sad face).

Since I’m all up for the ‘use till it breaks/it’s off’ philosophy, I thought it’d be okay to keep using it. But I’m done. No more harmful chemicals or unethical brands. It was time I made my own make-up and I got all the ingredients from my kitchen.

How to Make Your Own Make-Up with Ingredients from Your Kitchen

That’s right. You’ll be able to find all your ingredients in the kitchen. Nothing toxic, nothing expensive and you can adjust to your skin tone.

These recipes are my first trial and I’ll be using them for a while and keep you posted in case I find better ones. Also, I made this a very general post because I’ll be uploading new recipes as I test them, so keep your eyes peeled around here (wink face).

So here are some of the basic ingredients I’ve used for my make-up par-tay today:

DIY Make-Up | Eat Yourself Green


  • Tapioca starch
  • Cacao powder
  • Beetroot powder
  • Pitaya powder

How to:

In a small bowl, add some tapioca powder to use as a base, then add the other powders little by little to find the right colour. If you have fairer skin, use more pitaya powder. If you have an olive skin, add more beetroot powder. For darker skin, use more cacao. Mix well, using a mortar and pestle if needed until you reach your desired colour. Maintain in a glass container or tin.

DIY Make-Up | Eat Yourself Green


  • Activated charcoal
  • Tapioca starch
  • Cacao powder
  • Olive oil (or almond/castor oil)

How to:

Using only wooden or china utensils, add a little tapioca starch, then the activated charcoal and a little of cacao powder (optional). Mix well using a wooden spoon. Add a little oil until you have a thick paste. Store in a glass container.

DIY Make-Up | Eat Yourself Green

These are the two things I use the most before leaving home for work, a date or catch up with friends. For running errands no make-up is the way to go for me.

Soon, I’ll be trying other recipes and creating different products to share here with you.

What would you like to see next?

Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.

Pin it for later!

Peace & Love,


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