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My Vegan Chocolate Birthday Cake

My Vegan Chocolate Birthday Cake | Eat Yourself Green

This week was a busy one…Life has been happening at full speed around here. Work, volunteering, blog, business…and then I realised I’m a fully grown-up now. And nothing said that more clearly than the arrival of my 30th birthday.

I finally reach my 3rd decade of life and I couldn’t be happier, fuller or more grateful for the amazing journey my life has been so far! I’m working with something I love, building my community around my blog (love you big time guys!), slowly building my own business and I’m just starting.

They say life starts at 30 and I’m definitely starting to believe it. I know where I am and where I want to go and I can’t wait to do it all, but I’m also enjoying the journey. Soaking it in all the lessons, bumps and gifts that come with it.

My Vegan Chocolate Birthday Cake | Eat Yourself Green

My Vegan Chocolate Birthday Cake

Brazilians are known by their kick for a good party and what’s a celebration without a cake? Bleh, that’s what. You cannot possibly celebrate something if you don’t have a good cake, right? So today I’m sharing the recipe for one of my favourite cakes: a good ol’ time classic chocolate cake (still can’t believe I haven’t shared a chocolate cake recipe here)!

I made this cake for my birthday party this weekend and it’s a no-brainer. It was also a hit. Guests enjoyed this throughly so much so that I barely had any leftovers (*cue sad song*).

You can choose your filling but I’m the kinda person who loves a good Death-by-Chocolate kinda cake, so chocolate on chocolate it is.

The cake is all vegan and super easy to make. It’s moist and soft and packed with flavour. The original recipe is called the ‘three hole cake’ from Epicurious and it’s a dream to bake. Basically fool proof and perfect for a last-minute baking session.

Excited to try this recipe? You better be!

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My Vegan Chocolate Birthday Cake
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Easy and moist vegan chocolate cake which is perfect for last minute baking.
Recipe type: Dessert
Cuisine: Vegan
Serves: 1
  • 1½ cups of flour
  • 1 cup of sugar (brown or coconut work great)
  • 1 tsp of baking soda
  • 3 tbsp (generous) of cacao powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • 6 tbsp coconut oil (melted)
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 tsp vinegar
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 bar of chocolate 70% (100g)
  • ½ can of coconut cream (only the thick part)
  • Shredded coconut
  • 1 can of coconut condensed milk
  • 1 bar of chocolate 70% (100g)
  • ¼ can of coconut cream (you can use the leftover from the filling)
  1. Preheat the oven at 180ºC.
  2. In a large bowl sift the dry ingredients and mix well.
  3. Then make 3 holes and pour the vanilla in one, the oil in another and the vinegar in the last one.
  4. Lastly, pour room temperature water all over and mix well.
  5. Pour in a pan and bake for about 25-35 minutes depending on your oven.
  6. For this cake I made 2 recipes.
  1. Melt the chocolate bar in bain-marie or on the microwave.
  2. Then add the thick part of coconut cream and mix until smooth and shiny.
  3. Add some shredded coconut (optional) to your taste.
  4. Once the cake is cool, spread the filling evenly and top with the other cake.
  1. In a pan, add the condensed milk and the chocolate bar broken into pieces.
  2. Cook stirring consistently until the cream is thick (about 5 minutes).
  3. Add the coconut cream and mix well until you reach your desired consistency (it should be runny but not to liquid-y otherwise it will just run down on the cake).
  4. Top with berries & enjoy!

My Vegan Chocolate Birthday Cake | Eat Yourself Green

Peace & Love,


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