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Bag Ban: Are you Ready?

Bag Ban: Are you Ready? | Eat Yourself Green

The Zero Waste movement is based greatly on the power of individuals who together create a community of environmentally responsible citizens. However, it’s incredibly important to have back up from the government to support and encourage lifestyle changes.

Recently, we’ve seen a lot of changes coming from official agencies which are finally stepping up and regulating the creation of waste and disposable products. It’s with great pride that we finally see Australian laws changing to ban bags and now also plastic straws and helium balloons in Queensland.

Bag Ban: Are you Ready?

Ban the Bag | Eat Yourself Green

Last week we’ve seen the ban on single-use plastic bags at Woolworths supermarkets all over Queensland banned the bag and from today (1st of July) no more plastic bags at your regular supermarket checkout! There’s not better time to talk about how to get ‘bag-ready’ than now.

  • Keep your bags in hand

It may seem a little tricky to remember your bags, but with everything in life, it just takes a little bit of practice. Keep your bags around you or even write them on your shopping list, so you won’t forget them. After a couple of trips you’ll automatically remember them.

  • Have a back up

Always keep your bags handy but if you forget to bring them from home, leave some in the car and a small packable bag in your handbag. I have a few lightweight bags scattered around my house and car and I always have a tote with me, just in case.

  • Ask for a box

Many markets or even Aldi, let you take a box in case you forget your bags. It’s a much better option and it’s both compostable and recyclable.

  • Buy non-plastic

If all alternatives above fail and you must buy a bag from your check-out counter, choose a non-plastic bag. Those green bags are also made from plastic and won’t break down afterwards, just end up in landfill and acting like a thicker plastic bag. Choose to buy a jute/hessian bag instead of their plastic counterparts.

  • Recycle

If all fails and you end up getting trapped with plastic bags (although that’ll be a lot harder with the ban) remember to recycle your soft plastics at all REDcycle collection points (at Coles and some Woolies).

  • Make your own

Also, if you want to be a true zero-waster, why not grab some old t-shirts and make your own ‘green’ bag? I found this tutorial really easy and simple to do and great to reuse otherwise old t-shirts.

Your options are now laid and you can start your plastic bag-less life with great reusable and sustainable ideas!

By the way, are you joining me on my Plastic Free July Challenge? Head to my Instagram for more info and heaps of tips on how to reduce your waste and get rid of plastic!

Pin me for later!

See you there!

Peace & Love,


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