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My Natural Hair and Skin Routine

My Natural Hair and Skin Routine

Hello beautiful people! As many of you around here are gorgeous human beings with usually a lot of hair (and obviously skin), I decided to talk a little about my hair and skin routine. But first things first, I have a confession. I’m that type of person who hates spending time taming my hair. I’m more the kind of person that does everything possible on the face of earth to avoid moisturisers, body lotions, conditioners, masks and so forth.

So, yeah, I’m probably not the best person to be here talking about how ‘amazing’ my skin and hair looks because I use A+B+C+….Truth is, I’m just a girl trying to reduce my waste while still having a functional look (and a hair that doesn’t look like I came out of the jungle).

In fact, I feel like this helps me a lot in my aim to be minimalist and reduce consumerism. It also means that everything I use on my skin and hair is either completely natural (and you probably have it in your pantry) or it’s definitely vegan, low waste and locally made (most likely all the above).

So let’s get down to it!

My Natural Hair and Skin Routine

It took me quite a while to find products that I love and believe and that actually work well for me. And I finally found something that I’m really excited to share! So read on!

Daily Care:

My daily care is nothing extraordinary. I wake up and wash my face with cold tap water and if I’m leaving the house, I apply a little of blush and I brush my brows and off I go.

At night, I have a shower, clean my face and remove all toxins with a konjac sponge and a natural soap bar (which I use for the rest of my body) which I buy locally and unpackaged. You can find both the konjac sponge and naked soap bars on The Source Bulk Foods.

If I wash my hair, I swap a shampoo bar with a bottled option while I look for the ONE (if you have a good tip on bars, let me know in the comments!!!).

Weekly Care:

Because my hair has been so badly treated while I spent 9 months traveling and using whatever was at hand, I was quite desperate to find something that could bring it back to life. After 6 months on the lookout, I FOUND IT!

This my friends, is a little bottle of heaven to my hair. Since I wanted to reduce waste, I stopped the conditioner years ago. I’ve tried the no-poo system with no success as I have a long, thick and heavy hair, plus dandruff which I never managed to completely eliminate. So I was looking for something that could potentially revitalise my hair: and this is IT! Flora Remedia‘s Lavender Hair Treatment Oil has been my true saviour.

I’ve used it only ONCE, and I’m so sold on it. I seriously never used something so miraculously wonderful before. Plus, it’s made with natural oils only and it’s completely cruelty-free!

If you take anything out of this blog post today, let it be it.

So once a week, I apply this oil thoroughly on my hair and let it sit for a couple of hours or preferably overnight and wash it normally. The results (and smell) are seriously amazing.

Also, once a week, I use a body scrub. I use both Flora Remedia or The Laughing Pug‘s body scrub to give my skin a deep cleanse and hydration. Specially living by the beach, I really feel the need to scrub my skin more often and I love how amazingly soft it gets after a scrub packed with essential oils.

After the shower, I apply a mix of coconut oil and a few drops of essential oil (such as lavender and/or sweet orange) to moisturise the skin and leave it smelling fresh.

And that’s it. No more, no less.

I always noticed that my skin and hair woks better with less and I love to keep things simple. So finding results with natural products is the best of both worlds.

What do you guys use to maintain a healthy skin and hair? Do you recommend other products? Let me know in the comments!

Peace & Love,

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