6 In Resources/ Zero Waste

10 Tips to Make your Bathroom Zero-Waste (UPDATED)

Make Your Bathroom Zero Waste | Eat Yourself Green

EDIT: I first wrote this article in 2017 and since then, more and more sustainable swaps popped up. However, I’m not saying that you need all of it, to reduce your waste. What you already have is great, so keep that and whenever you need to buy it again, then consider a less impactful option.

To tackle Zero Waste and all the aspects of it, from your kitchen to your bathroom. Being one of the most wasteful part of our lives, beauty and personal care products can look challenging to change. But in fact, they are an easy place to start reducing your waste.

In our bathrooms, there’s usually several different products that we apply on our skin and hair each day. The average adult in the USA uses around 9 personal care products a day (it’s probably higher now with the Koren Skincare/overall skincare craze). And it can go even higher, up to 15 per day for a quarter of the people interviewed. It may not sound much, but when you think at the amount of harmful chemicals that may go into your body through your skin is staggering. That’s not the mention all the waste created.

To start off the day, we brush our teeth, comb our hair, then go on to style it and apply some make up (if you are required to), moisturiser, sunscreen and then head off. If this is your routine, then you are probably throwing in the landfill a lot of plastic during a whole year.

But, there are other ways. Even if you do have to wear make-up daily and style your hair, there are several other ways that you can reduce your waste in the bathroom.

Here are some of the ways you can do it, by making simple swaps.


6 Tips to Make your Bathroom Zero-Waste

  • Revolutionise your oral care

    Bathroom 1

    That plastic is generally bad, we all know. Now, imagine that every few months you’ve got to send to landfill (remember: there’s not really ‘throw away’) a full sturdy piece of plastic that will take thousands of years to decompose fully. That is, if it doesn’t end up in the oceans, contaminating the water and killing marine life. If you switch to a bamboo alternative, you can compost your toothbrush and send bristles to be recycled (check with your council first), plus the packaging is always recyclable or biodegradable cardboard. Give it a go at a bamboo tooth brushes which is 100% biodegradable, BPA-free, vegan-friendly and overall amazing! I just got a 10% code for the Brush It On products, which include toothbrushes, compostable floss and more, just shop and the discount will be added at the checkout automatically.

  • Switch to a Safety Razor

    Safety razors sound like something that your grandpa would recommend. I remember seeing my uncle using them to shave when I was little. And how I wish I would have followed suit. Safety razors as the name suggests are very safe to use and it reduces the risk of nicks and cuts during the shaving process. Most safety razors already come in an ‘eco-friendly’ packaging which is either compostable or recyclable. Plus, if you care well for your blades correctly, they’ll last a long time and work just fine before they can get recycled.

  • Make your Period Plastic Free

    Zero Waste Period | Eat Yourself Green

    If you haven’t made the switch to a menstrual cup, I get it, they are not for everyone. I simply love my cup and I wrote about it before here. Plus, I just wrote a new post with all the options I’m currently using and loving.

  • Ditch Disposable Wipes and Single Use Items

    Think about your usage of face wipes, cotton rounds or even face masks. Do you really need it? Maybe swap your wipes and cotton rounds for reusable ones, like this cute one. Still a fan of face masks? Try ones made of clay or even make your own (try this one or this one).

  • Buy Plastic Free Shampoo

    Okay, shampoo is a tricky one, I know! But nowadays, the options are almost endless. Here are some I know and recommend:
    – Shampoo bars (find some here)
    – Beauty Kubes (LOVE THEM, get them here)
    – Refill your shampoo (either at your local bulk food store or your favourite hairdressing salon as some of them offer a refill option)
    – Buy shampoo in recycled plastic and recycle it at the end of its life (like this one from Bar.None)

  • Find an Ocean Friendly Sunscreen

    We all need sunscreen but the reality is that sunscreens are actually really bad for our oceans. They contaminate the local beaches and they play a significant part in damaging corals and reefs. And we definitely don’t want that. Find an alternative that will protect you, your family and the oceans and make the switch. I personally love this one, which is smooth and spreads so well on your skin, unlike many others.

  • Low Waste Make Up is Possible

    Zero Waste Bathroom | Eat Yourself Green
    Finding good make up that actually works and doesn’t come in plastic may be hard, but I found something I love and I’m sold on it. Elate offers a range of eyeshadows, blush, foundation and more in reusable or refillable containers. Their range is vegan and cruelty free and all their packaging is plastic free and even compostable (actually some products come on a seeded paper which you can plant. YAY!

  • Make your Own Personal Care Products (if you can)

    Bathroom 3

    Homemade ‘dry’ shampoo from Wellness Mama

    If you want to go truly ZW, then you can start by making your own products. I already make my own deodorant and you can go even further and make your own toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, etc…The time sky is the limit and you can make your personal products specifically to your body/hair type and with ingredients you probably already have at home! For more inspiration and recipes, head down here. Plus, you can buy plenty of raw ingredients to create your beauty bar. Shop here* for all your Zero Waste needs!

  • Buy from Environmentally-Friendly Companies

    If making your own personal care products is not an option, try finding companies that are environmentally responsible and offer more conscious products. You can buy moisturisers, creams, shampoo in places that offer more sustainable options such as Biome* (my favourite!), Flora & Fauna* or even Lush, where they don’t test on animals and have a recycling program for products or sell mostly without packaging.

  • Give a Crap

    Have you heard of a toilet paper that is environmentally friendly, funny and donates 50% of their profits to help build toilets to people in need? Well if you haven’t it’s time you wake up and buy some. Who Gives a Crap actually gives a crap and they offer plastic free, recycled toilet paper to your door. It seriously can’t get any better than that. Now selling to UK and USA too!


  • Reuse containers if possible

    In the end, if buying a product is inevitable, try to buy products that come in glass containers or packaging that can be recycled. Glass containers are great for food storage, to use as a plant pot or to give it as a gift. The options are endless and you can put your crafty skills to create amazing things with your new jars.

Zero Waste Bathroom | Eat Yourself Green

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With all these new tips, do you think you could take some steps to make a change? What do you think is difficult about going Zero Waste? Or what do you already do to reduce waste from your life? Share your tips and comments below.

Peace & Love,

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*If you shop through this link, I will get a small commission (at no extra cost to you). It’s my way of maintaining this blog and sharing the things I truly love.

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  • Reply
    08/12/2018 at 10:42 am

    I love Schmidt’s deodorant; it comes in glass and if you send back empty containers, they reuse them. I love my safety razor, and the cost savings is awesome also! Shampoo and conditioner bars, as well as bar soap for hands and body save a lot of plastic too!

    • Reply
      Larissa Tedesco
      26/12/2018 at 3:24 pm

      Yes, I love how you can find amazing eco-friendly brands. Bathrooms can be one of the hardest to keep plastic free but there’s so many options available!

  • Reply
    patty-anne Lea
    25/03/2019 at 4:53 pm

    I bought a bidet that attaches to the toilet. I eliminated toilet paper. If you are damp. I have reusable cloth. I also made leaky ladies, for the days you need some protection in your panties.
    I have made mesh bags for shopping and know the weight of jars for refills.

    • Reply
      Larissa Tedesco
      25/03/2019 at 8:22 pm

      That is amazing Patty-Anne! Love what you’ve done. It’s such a big change and make a huge difference. Well done 👏🏼

  • Reply
    08/04/2019 at 8:50 pm

    Hello! What is the name of the menstral cup in all your photos? I followed the links and still only saw other options. I currently use the Luna, and am looking I add one more and I like the simplicity of the one in the picture!



    • Reply
      Larissa Tedesco
      11/04/2019 at 9:22 am

      Hey Jenny,
      I bought it ages ago and I don’t have the link for it online 🙁 I don’t even remember the name of it! I’m so sorry…I hope you find a good one that works for you 😉

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