0 In Lifestyle/ Zero Waste

11 Money Saving Actions to Take Before Traveling (Zero Waste Style)

I’m going on holidays SO soon you guys! I can’t wait to relax, see my family, eat my mom’s food… My bag is almost ready and I’m packing all the Zero Waste essentials…but first, we need to talk about the not so insta-worthy part of traveling, zero waste or not.

We often talk about how to travel better and save money, waste less and travel light and although I will be talking about this in the following weeks, it’s important to remember how to prepare before traveling.

Like anything in a given lifestyle, it’s all about how you prepare yourself to face the challenges. If you want to waste less (be it money or resources) it’s no different. So today, 1 week before I set off to travel for a month overseas, I’m getting myself organised and I’m sharing with you these 11 Money-Saving actions to take before traveling.

Leaving for such a long time is usually nice but I always worry that I might have forgotten something or left something behind…that’s why now, I get started a little before to make sure I cover all the bases.

11 Money Saving Actions to Take Before Traveling (the Zero Waste Style)

1 Week Before Traveling:

Before you pack your bags, you better start thinking about your pantry. Your kitchen is the place you’ll lose most of your money and waste most if you do nothing to prevent spoilage.

  • Check dates of products in your pantry and look for anything that’s close to the expiry/best before date. Pull those forward and make sure you use them in the week prior to traveling.
  • Check your fridge for anything that’s expiring soon and use up ASAP. Only buy small portions of things you are 100% sure you’ll be able to consume before traveling.
  • Plan your meals and create a special meal plan to help you use all your leftover food from fridge and pantry.


1-2 Days Before Traveling:

Those days before traveling are the ones we are usually most worried about not forgetting anything and making sure we pack our bags in time…this is when your organisation pays off.

  • If you are not sure you’ll be able to consume everything, start freezing any fruits or veggies that you won’t eat.
  • Share with a neighbour or family member or whoever you can any leftover food that you won’t be able to consume but can’t freeze.
  • If you have pets or plants make sure you have organised someone to care for them.

On the Day:

The time has come! Your bags are packed and your kitchen is organised. Now you can head off knowing you’ve done everything possible to reduce spoilage and waste and all is good for you to enjoy your holidays! BUT, before you step out the door, check these things first:

  • All lights are off;
  • All electronics/appliances that don’t need to be on (such as TV’s, washing machine, etc…) have their switches off and are unplugged.
  • Turn your fridge to the ‘travel mode’ if it has the option or ‘warm it up’ a little. As you won’t be opening it all the time, it stays colder a lot easier and the settings can be twitched a little to reflect the lack of use. Most of your food will be on the freezer anyways, so that should be just fine.
  • Windows are closed and all doors are securely locked (you know, there’s nothing zero waste about having a burglar come in and take your stuff…).
  • Cover any drains around the house where insects could crawl into the house and have a party while you are away. And don’t forget to cover the sink drain with water or just with the plug to avoid the same issue.

Now, you are ready to take off!

I hope these tips can help you enjoy a worry (and waste) free holidays or any unwanted surprises when you come back!

Peace & Love,


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