0 In Minimalism

2018 Challenge: My ‘Buy Nothing’ Year

It’s the last day of the year and we all somehow end up going reminiscing what the past year has offered us and what we have done and achieved. I, myself can’t contain in a word how amazing 2017 was to me. From travelling half across the globe to moving to a dream location and now back working with what I love, this year has been beyond my expectations in many ways.

The 2018 Challenge: ‘Buy Nothing’ Year

While I was really happy to be able to settle down in a home in just the right way I wanted, I feel like I can improve so much more when it comes to my minimalist and zero waste goals. So after revamping my wardrobe for work and getting (pretty much) everything I wanted sorted and done at our new place, I feel like setting myself up for a bigger challenge in the next year would be the right thing to do.

If you are already living in a minimalist mindset, the ‘buy nothing’ challenge may have crossed your timelime at some stage. The challenge is very personal but the idea is to reduce your expenses and well…buy nothing for a year.

I wanted to do this for a few simple reasons. My partner and I want to buy our home in the coming year and for that, we need to save. Also, since coming back from traveling, I really feel that no amount of things will bring me happiness, so I really don’t feel like I have to buy things to make me feel better.

Also, we are already set to travel (twice) this year and with traveling come extra costs that I already will have to make, so I have to be somewhat flexible with some rules.

Anyhow, here are the ground rules to my ‘Buy Nothing’ challenge:

Ground Rules:

  • No clothes, books, electronics or accessories. Nothing superfluous.
  • If something breaks or needs fixing, it’ll be fixed before being replaced.
  • If something is beyond repair and a necessity, I’ll let go and wait for around 2-4 weeks before re-purchasing.
  • Groceries and toiletries to be done at food markets and bulk shops as to avoid waste and excess packaging.
  • Meals to be prepped as to avoid unnecessary takeaways or dinning out.

I want this year of no spending as a time to focus on my mind and my personal goals instead of focusing on buying things. I want to rid my mind of unnecessary clutter and work more towards improving myself and getting my plans out of the paper.

palm tree

This year of ‘Buy Nothing’ will be a chance to use my creativity. Spend less time cleaning and sorting and more time creating and working. Carry less things and enjoy more time with friends and loved ones.

I’m sure this year won’t be easy but I’m hoping to grow and achieve more mentally than I ever have. I’ll keep you updated and will be sharing my thoughts on Instagram too.

This is my challenge for 2018. What is yours? Do your want to do kick off something you’ve been wanting for a long time? Or are you taking on the same challenge yourself? Let me know on the comments, I’d love to hear your aspirations for the new year!

Peace & Love,

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