0 In Lifestyle/ Minimalism/ Zero Waste

Why Garage Sales Are Saving the Economy (and the Environment)

Why Garage Sales Are Saving the Economy (and the Environment) | Eat Yourself Green

We all know Garage Sales. They are great for finding quirky new things you didn’t even know you needed and to stalk a little on your neighbours’s life.

Now, imagine a place where you could find EVERYTHING you are looking for. I know you are probably think IKEA but think about getting amazing new things (to you) and they would cost only a fraction of the price. Sounds good right?

Well, now it’s possible! The Garage Sale Trail is one of the largest garage sales of Australia (maybe in the world?!) and it allows for sellers and buyers to make great deals while helping the planet and their pockets.

Why Garage Sales Are Saving the Economy (and the Environment)

Garage sales are important as they help us give something a new life rather than throwing it in the bin. With Australians throwing more than 75% of clothes per year, you can quickly assume how damaging this is to the environment. And according to the Gumtree Secondhand economy report, 89% of Australians have unwanted items in their home, and a staggering 50% of us admit to throwing our unwanted items in the bin. That’s madness!

Why Garage Sales Are Saving the Economy (and the Environment) | Eat Yourself Green

But What Can We Do?

Buying clothes and other household items second hand has become the new best way of shopping. With more attractive prices and a great varieties of good quality items, it’s a no brainer to start buying smarter and cheaper.

Second-hand shopping is not only good for you pocket. It can change the way we affect the environment and help us create a more sustainable industry. By buying second hand, we can reduce our impact on the environment twice! Since everything we buy new creates waste, buying second hand reduces the burden of new items and relives the landfill of receiving something else.

Plus, second hand items carry a story that can bring much joy to a new family. Second hand clothing also turns an expensive habit into a refreshingly cheap one! Buy the clothes you need for a fraction of the cost and most often than not you’ll end up finding really great quality pieces that would otherwise cost a few bucks if not hundreds. And you get to be creative and wear something awesome without paying so much for it.

Why Garage Sales Are Saving the Economy (and the Environment) | Eat Yourself Green

I personally LOVE a good garage sale. Every time my friends are having one, I’m in to shop! And although I rather buy fewer but good quality items, I oftentimes find myself finding great pieces that end up being my favourites. In fact, almost half of my wardrobe is second hand. And I love it! All the pieces have personality, fit me great and are a refreshing new approach to my wardrobe, since I never know what I’m going to find!

Which means, I’m most definitely heading to my nearest Garage Sale Trail next October 20-21st. Have you found your nearest location yet (find yours here and don’t forget to register)?

See you there!

Peace & Love,

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Photos by Artem Bali & mentatdgt from Pexels

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