0 In Lifestyle/ Zero Waste

My Zero Waste Travel Essentials

Zero Waste Travel Essentials

So I’m off again! After having traveled for over 9 months all around the world, my partner and I are heading off to Brazil. This time is a much more special trip though. It’s the first time we are meeting each other’s families and this time my dad is turning 80 (yep, I know!)!

So although we can’t avoid flying, I’m making everything I can to avoid waste. And after all that time traveling, I can tell you, there’s plastic EVERYWHERE!

Traveling is tiring and it’s exhausting to be on a plane for 14 hours and hopping from one terminal to the other, I get it. But I created a list of essentials to keep boredom and waste at bay without sacrificing on comfort. So let’s get down to it!

My Zero Waste Travel Essentials

First off, you can’t travel without your toiletries, so those are definitely part of my pack. I’ve packed as little as possible, just keeping the basics, which brought me down to:


  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste (still have travel sized paste from previous trips)
  • Tongue scraper (can’t live without it!)
  • Deodorant (recipe here)
  • Homemade lip balm
  • Face mist (for those horribly dry hours inside a plane)
  • Essential Oil roller (mine is this one from Flora Remedia) which is perfect for to keep you immunity system in check specially while traveling
  • Eye mask with magnets (to help me sleep better. Thanks Mom!)

Other Zero Waste Essentials:

  • Reusable Coffee Cup (mine’s from Biome)
  • Reusable Stainless Steel Bottle
  • Cloth bag (for takeaway food)
  • Hankies
  • Spork
  • Lightweight towel (from Lalen) made with sustainably grown cotton which makes it soft and absorbent <3
  • Travel pillow (from B-Cozy)
  • Headphones (to avoid using the plastic-wrapped ones they provide you in-flight)
  • E-books and movies
  • Phone with full-battery to listen to music.







Also, not forgetting my passport, important documents and some cash too!

What are your travel essentials? And are you successful in reducing waste while traveling? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.

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Now, if you excuse me, I’ve got a plane to catch. Tchau!

Peace & Love,


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